Scope: | Advanced Teleccomunication System for the Automatic and Immediate Notification of Volunteer Blood Donors | Keywords: | eHealth, Blood Safety & Management, Medical Records Management & Security, Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) | Partners: | University of Cyprus (UCY) eMedi8 digital solutions Ltd Thalassaemia Center, Makario Lefkosia Hospital Ministry of Health, Medical and Public Health Services Thalassaemia International Federation | Status: | Delivered - Technology Advancement & Dissemination | Atachments: | ELPIS Article (Pdf)
Description: The ultimate practical objectives of the “ELPIS” research project, as implemented by the involved stakeholders is the design, development and installation of a prototype pilot information system for the automated handling of (regular and temporary) cases for which there is lack of blood units,and also to test and verify this system using actual sample data and simulation of emergency cases. To achieve the above objectives and to better organize and manage the project, the project required work was divided into six Work Packages (WP). During the “ELPIS” project, an in-depth review of the international scientific literature was conducted, concerning especially the development of information / telecommunications systems with Health-sector applications. Of particular research interest was the acquisition of relevant information and guidelines with respect to (a) the mechanisms for storage and management of confidential medical data (European Privacy Directives), (b) the standards and safety (e.g. European Information Security directives, ISO17799, GSHB BSI, COBIT) that are in use in relevant systems, and (c) the principles of modern social psychology to maximize the efficiency of the proposed information system with respect to the response of volunteer blood donors. The analysis of the collected information was conducted with the cooperation of all involved stakeholders to create a model of the existing mechanism, which was subsequently improved as per the project objectives. Specifically, under the “ELPIS” Research Project the following key milestones were successfully reached: - Development of an appropriate human interaction model for medical practitioners and blood donors with the system (human interface design), consistent with W3C accessibility guidelines and AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) principles,
- Implementation of the software system based on obtained data and experience from previous work packages,
- Test, evaluation and subsequent modification of the system created the “ELPIS” project, making use of test data and actual sample data,
- Installing the integrated management system for incidents where large amounts of blood units are required, as developed through the project's earlier phases. The information system that was obtained through the Work Package (WP) 5, is described schematically in the relevant diagrams,
- Dissemination and exploitation of the results of the “ELPIS” project, especially since they were considered quite satisfactory. The “ELPIS” research project and its relevant research results were presented with very positive comments and references in the conferences “9th International Conference on Thalassaemia & Haemoglobinopathies 2006 - 11th International TIF Conference for Thalassaemia Patients & Parents 2006 (Dubai, UAE)” and “TeleMed & eHealth 2007 (London, UK)”.